If couples have unsuccessfuly tried for a baby over a year, they should visit their GP for fertility testing. According to research, 50% of fertility issues are related to a man's sperm. The biggest factor related to male infertility is azoospermia, which means there is no sperm found.
If a man is diagnosed with infetility treatment should be started directly because in the future, when the age factor is added to these issues, the process becomes a lot more challenging. The Micro TESE / TESA method gives very successful results in terms of pregnancy.
What is Micro TESE / TESA?
In a man's testicular tissue, there are many tubes where sperm production takes place. Even when sperm is not present in semen, it does not mean that sperm is not availble in these tubes.
TESA is the process of entering and removing sperm through the skin via a microscopic needle. If sperm cannot be obtained in this way, Micro TESE is then performed. Micro TESE involves finding sperm under a microscope whilst examining the sperm producing tubes. Biopsies are taken from different areas of the testes tissue, and up to 25-50% of the sperm cells are found to be live and useable. In addition to this, the Micro TESE method also minimises the vein damage caused by biopsy.
70% of sperm issues can be overcome when using these methods. If the problem is genetic, it may make finding live sperm much harder.
After a Micro TESE Operation
Micro TESE operations can be performed under anesthesia making it a painless operation that lasts about half an hour. After the procedure, there is no need to rest for a long time. The patient can easily return to his life but should follow the below guidelines:
- No sexual intercourse for 10-15 days,
- After the operation of Micro TESE or TESA, avoid bathing or showering for at least 5 days.
- Avoid heavy lifting for at least 1 week.
- If swelling, bleeding or redness develops in the treated area, you should tell your doctor immediately.
When do we use TESA or Micro TESE?
- In cases of obstruction in the sperm channels, or in the absence of the sperm canal (congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD)).
- If there is no sperm output due to genetic or hormonal reasons.
- If the patient has undergone radiation treatment that can kill sperm cells.
- If the patient has suffered an infection in their youth which has affected his sperm.
TESA and Micro TESE at Cyprus Miracle IVF by Dr. Firdevs
Our modern and high-tech hospital combined with expert urologists and embryologists means we have used these procedures very successfully for many years, allowing couples to concieve and carry healthy babies.
Sperm can be obtained on the first attempt but may not be possible every time therefore if the quality of sperm is high, the sperm should be frozen and stored for future use.