Egg Donation

In recent years, women may be exposed to early menopause due to stress factors, surgery, or genetic reasons. Hormonal problems or severe treatments (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc.) or for women who cannot get a positive result from standard IVF treatments due to low egg quality, or lack of eggs, egg donation treatment is a real miracle. With our egg donation treatment in Cyprus, women, regardless of their condition, can easily become mothers even if they are in menopause.

What Is Egg Donation treatment?

For a healthy embriyo and a healthy baby, 3 important factors are needed.
  1. Healthy egg cells
  2. Healthy sperm cells
  3. Healthy uterus
Egg donation treatment a.k.a. egg donation is an IVF treatment with donor eggs especially for woman who have problems with the factors listed above. If any of the above factors are missing or insufficient, pregnancy or childbirth may not be possible. These conditions can develop at birth or later, and may leave couples who want to have children with a difficulty. In cases where healthy egg cells are not present, IVF treatment is performed with egg donation.
Egg donors are selected in accordance with the mother's origin, mother’s physical characteristics and blood group, etc. The egg cells collected from the selected donor and fertilised with the father’s sperm cells in the laboratory environment and the embryos are transferred to the mother after reaching a certain stage in development.

How are we so Successful at Egg Donation treatment?

  • Our specialist, Dr. Firdevs is involved in each stage of treatment, from the beginning to the end, including the laboratory stages.
  • The follicle development of the donor is monitored by Dr. Firdevs. This way, we can guarantee our patients at least 10 healthy eggs.
  • Egg donors are selected from young and healthy individuals in the 21-26 age range, who have given birth or from whom we have obtained a healthy pregnancy and birth before.
  • We know that a mother's psychology is one of the key points in this process. With the guidance and psychological support of our experienced senior patient coordinator, our patients are able to deal with this process more easily, and build a beautiful long lasting friendship .

Who is Eligible for Egg Donation treatment? 

  • Women who are in menopause 
  • Women who have delayed their pregnancy due to the career plans, late marriages, and therefore have weakened or completely lost egg cells
  • Women who have had an early menopause due to genetic inheritance, stress, and inherited diseases
  • Women who do not have or are deficient in the production of eggs, even though the uterine tissue is smooth.
  • Women with congenital reproductive problems, such as Turner or Mosaic Turner Syndrome
  • Women who have lost their egg cells and who undergo menopause because they are exposed to heavy doses of chemotherapy
  • Women who have genetic disease that can be inherited by the baby (Hemophilia, Huntington's, Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy, etc.) 
  • Women who have removed all or a large proportion of their ovaries due to surgery.

How We Choose Egg Donors:

There are certain rules and criteria for being an egg donor. People who do not meet these criteria are not considered to be egg donors. The infectious disease status, physical and psychological status of the donor, the immune system is analyzed by various tests and if deemed appropriate by specialist physicians, she is considered to be an egg donor. The reason for this procedure is to prevent any possible problems after egg donation. This way a healthy treatment process can be provided. 
In our IVF treatment with egg donation, the egg donor is selected from healthy and productive women within the age range of 21-26 years. All testing of donors are carried out by us with great care.

Main tests for egg donors:

Physical structure: Physical characteristics of the donor should not be overbearing i.e a big nose, big eyes etc. Body proportions should be standard. She should not be over or under weight.
Genetic: The donor's genetic tests are carried out and family history is examined in terms of genetics. The blood cells are also examined.
Infectious Diseases: Comprehensive tests are carried out to ensure that the egg donor does not carry any infectious diseases. In addition to HIV and hepatitis tests, inherited diseases such as thalassemia and cystic fibrosis etc. that may pass from the donor to the baby are are screened for.
Gynecological evaluation: The donor's egg reserve, egg quality, reproductive capacity, ultrasounds and blood tests are evaluated. 
Psychological evaluation: A potential egg donor is evaluated in detail. Panic attacks for example,  are usually accompanied by a physical or mental impairment.
Intelligence assessment: The intelligence levels of donors must be normal or higher. University and equivalent levels are preferred.
With our egg donation treatment, the egg donor is chosen from our large donor pool according to the physical characteristics of the mother and her blood group, ethnic origin etc. During this selection period, the mother can also choose the donor that she thinks is most suitable based on her educational status or other factors. 

Stages Of Egg Donation

As described above, egg donation is an IVF-like treatment method that is preferred in situations where the mother has no eggs or they are not sufficient for pregnancy. In this treatment, the egg is collected from the donor and the sperm of the father is used to fertilise the egg and a healthy embryo is formed. The resulting embryo is transferred to the mother and pregnancy is achieved. However, this treatment method ism not the same as regular IVF.
Stages of the egg donation treatment at Miracle IVF by Dr. Firdevs are listed as follows;
Meeting couples: Treatment starts by initial consultation, meeting the couples e-mail, by phone or face to face at our centre. During this interview, our experienced coordinators and Dr. Firdevs, note the treatment history and detailed characteristics of the couple are reecorded so the treatment plan can be created. Tests and other preparations are performed. Our dedicated patient coordinators, continuously provides support and guidance to couples in the decision-making and preparation processes for egg donation treatment in Miracle IVF Cyprus.
Selection of egg donor: Egg donor for the patient is selected by our IVF specialist Dr. Firdevs, according to the information received from the couples such as ethnic identities, physical characteristics, dominant characteristics, blood groups etc. The information about the donor, once selected can be shared with the couple. After the approval from the couple, the final decision is made by completing comprehensive up to date tests and checks of the donor. 
The sync preparation of the mother and the egg donor: As we always do a fresh cycle (collect fresh eggs), preparations of the mother and the donor are carried out simultaneously. Therefore, the mother's mensturation period is synchronised before the treatment with the use of medication. This step is not required if the mother is in menopause, than treatment can be started straight away. While Dr. Firdevs monitors the development of the donor's eggs, the mother's endometrium is prepared by medication and examined by her local doctor.
In this process, our patient coordinator assists the mother step by step and ensures a smooth treatment process. This pre-preparation process starts at the 2nd or 3rd day of mother’s and donor’s menstural period and lasts approximately 11-12 days.
Sperm retrieval, egg collection, and fertilization: After approximately 12 days of medication treatment, the donor is prepared for the egg collection process. All egg cells are fertilized with sperm cells retrieved from the father. Since each donor's eggs are specifically prepared for an individual patient, we can guarantee at least 10 healthy eggs for each recipient. After the successful egg collection from the donor, the fertilization process occurs simultaneously. The fertilized embryos are then left to develop in special incubators, or at this step, the patient can also choose the embryoscope® to monitor embryos day by day. On the same day, the mother's endometrium is examined, and new medications are initiated to prepare for pregnancy. At this stage, if desired, the patient may also request genetic screening as well.
Embryo transfer: The last stage of the treatment is embryo transfer. This can be done 3rd or 5th day after fertilisation. The best developed embryos are transferred to the mother in a painless manner, using ultrasound. 

A distinctive approach to egg donation:
TANDEM Egg Donation 

'Tandem' meaning together, aptly describes this treatment. Tandem egg donation follows the same methodology as traditional egg donation, with the unique aspect of incorporating the mother's own eggs into the treatment. This approach is suitable for women who still possess some eggs, albeit fewer than optimal.

In Tandem egg donation, the standard stages of both regular IVF treatment and egg donation treatment are combined. This allows for the simultaneous development of both the mother's and the donor's eggs. Women with a limited but viable quantity of healthy eggs can significantly enhance their chances of pregnancy through tandem egg donation.

The treatment process in tandem egg donation closely mirrors that of traditional egg donation. Egg cells are retrieved from both the mother and the donor, and fertilization occurs separately using the father's sperm. The quality of the resulting embryos from both sources is discussed with the couple, and with their approval, the highest quality embryos are transferred to the mother. At this stage, the mother has the flexibility to choose whether to transfer only her own embryos, a combination of both or solely the donor embryos, depending on the quality of the embryos.

100% Confidentiality

At Miracle IVF by Dr. Firdevs, we know that couples that struggle with infertiliy issues are fragile and they often hide their issues, even from their family and close friends. As with any other treatment, patients choosing us for donation treatments, are assured confidentiality above anything else. 
We provide 100% confidentiality for our patients as treatment information is not saved, the identity of both parties is completely confidential and it is not possible to obtain by third party individuals.

Cost Of Egg Donation Treatment

The cost of egg donation treatment varies based on several factors. The necessary treatment and medications are determined based on the patient's medical history and requirements.

The cost of egg donation treatment includes all procedures related to it, such as pre-procudure tests, ivf treatment, donor preparation, genetic screening etc. If there is a female factor, such as diminished egg reserve, early menopause, low quality eggs or lack of eggs due to serious previous cancer treatments, the patient should opt for an egg donation treatment, these can be considered in the cost of egg donation.

Our experienced coordinators are available to guide you through the best possible treatment and the cost of egg donation treatment based on your specific situation. Fill out our contact form for immediate assistance and one of our coordinators will get back to you as soon as possible.

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